Operation borderland
Date & Time
Tuesday, July 25, 2023, 12:45 PM - 1:15 PM
Chris Ritchart Bryan Neilson

In the dynamic world of cybersecurity, attackers hold a significant advantage over defenders. Their task is relatively simpler: they only need to succeed once to achieve their objective, while defenders face the daunting challenge of being right every single time. Within the hostile and uncertain realm of cyberspace, where the stakes are high and code can be used as a weapon of mass destruction, the need for robust security measures is paramount. It is essential to recognize that investing in mere widgets or off-the-shelf solutions is insufficient to combat the persistent breaches and attacks that plague our digital landscape.
Join us on an exploration into the crucial concept of zero trust and its direct relevance to Endpoint Protection. In this discussion, we will delve deeper into the reasons why approaching security through the lens of zero trust is imperative. Failing to adopt this mindset leaves organizations vulnerable to increasingly sophisticated attacks that are easily overlooked. It is vital to understand that zero trust is not a mere "Easy Button" solution but rather a comprehensive approach that ensures a more resilient security posture.

Lastly, we will examine Operation Borderland, an innovative ransomware implant developed by AssetXero, which takes advantage of Endpoint Protection Platform (EPP) systems that do not employ zero trust inspection. By shedding light on this real-world example, we hope to emphasize the pressing need for organizations to adopt zero trust principles in their security strategies to stay one step ahead of determined adversaries.

Together, let us navigate the intricate landscape of cybersecurity, learning from recent developments, and understanding the significance of zero trust in safeguarding our digital assets.