Dodging the cloud's and DevOps' deadliest sins
Date & Time
Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 12:45 PM - 1:15 PM
James Stanger

We’re still living in a world where a universal level of minimum viable security is still out of reach for many organizations. It’s time to get past any finger pointing and discuss root causes of why organizations continue to commit so many cloud and DevOps “sins.” Join CompTIA’s Chief Technology Evangelist, Dr. James Stanger, in a fireside chat about why this happens. We’ll investigate some of the cultural, industry, and business best (and worst) practices. Then, we’ll discuss some of the steps organizations large and small can take to create different procedures and build more secure solutions. We’ve all heard about the OWASP Top 10, the MITRE ATT&CK model, and various (cloud) security frameworks. In this session, we’ll talk about how to create a better cybersecurity muscle memory and change behaviors to increase effective security.